Friday, August 21, 2009

Sweet Feet Friday

Nothing like 4 little feet enjoying the cool water on a hot summer day...

Aren't they the sweetest?!
Again, Not that I'm partial.


  1. SO CUTE! Love it!

    Hey I thought of you the other day... We were all loaded up in the car to drop Maggie off at school and run a couple of errands. Lauren ended up dropping off to sleep in her carseat, so I went through a drive thru, got the twins juice boxes, and just drove for a while... ahhhh peace and quiet. I thought "I bet Kate would appreciate this"!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. And of course, this stage is the only stage that rolls of fat are absolutely yummy!!! :)

    Have a great weekend.

  3. very cute and I love your blog.
