Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lock Up Your Cabinets

...This sweet, charming, baby girl...
...Is on the move...

Look at that stretch - she is determined! You think life around here just got a little busier!?!?

I really can't believe Raya, my youngest love, is almost crawling... please excuse me while I go child proof everything, again :).

Oh, and if you can't tell, I'm having trouble downloading a pic without making it look "antique", I will try to let it go...maybe...but most likely not...


  1. Wow.. look at that full stretch body image there! Is she doing pilates already?? :)

    So sweet.

  2. Uh-oh! Great pictures though:)

  3. She's just precious! And I really love how you "antique" your pictures - so cool.

  4. Love those pictures, Kate! And your new blog design is awesom! Jackie did a great job!

  5. I like the finish. I guess we all have our likes... mine is simple/color.

  6. Ahhhh.....childproofing! Fun times.

    Your girls are growing so fast.
