Monday, June 1, 2009

Tis The Season

.....summer is finally here.....

.....the flip-flops are on.....

.....the pool is open.....

.....and the babes are enjoying the warm, breezy weather.....

We are head over heels for summer right now!

Hope you all had a great weekend!!


  1. I love the flip-flop shot!! Do you use anything to edit your photos like photoshop? Just wondering...they always look perfect. :)

  2. I love the picture of the babies looking at each other. "Aren't we the bathing beauties? Are we tan yet? We need to tell Mom to flip us over so that we tan evenly!"

  3. What a cute picture post! Love it! :)

  4. We are quite glad summer has arrived as well. Amazing how going outside makes them forget what they were fussing about... at least momentarily :)

  5. I am SOO ready to get my summer on! :)

    Did you take advantage of Old Navy's $1.00 flip flop deal??

    Cute pics!!

  6. I love summer too! And you've captured the spirit of summer perfectly
