Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A New Creation

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17

I don't have a ton of words, God's Grace has me basically speechless!

Ella asked Jesus into her heart tonight! We feel so blessed that we both got to pray with her, it was an awesome privilege that only God can provide! The above pic is of her spreading the news. She was so excited, she couldn't wait to tell our family :).

Eric and I are so thankful for this amazingly sweet girl that God has given us, she is such a tremendous blessing to our entire family. Praise The Lord, He is so good!

Love you sooo much Ella Girl!! We are so proud of you!


  1. Oh, I almost cried reading this...and that picture!!! Her face is just beaming! Did it happen at Awana? If so, I bet you are thankful you decided to take her! Talk to you tomorrow!

  2. Definitely made me cry this morning! That is awesome!!! Yay Ella :)

  3. awwww.... that's beautiful. I never took a picture when our oldest ones excepted Jesus.

  4. Isnt that an AMAZING thing!? I almost cried when I read it! =)

    Ella and Tate have both asked him and we had a party to celebrate...Ella chose sausage pizza and hot chocolate (and came adorned in her most gaudy of outfits of course!) and Tate wanted ice cream! =) haha

    Oh I am SOOO excited for her and you !

  5. That is so great! We loved getting the call from her last night!

  6. Yeah! I'm rejoicing with you!

  7. This is awesome! What a sweetie!

  8. wow! This is so great! Welcome to the family, Ella!

  9. Praising Jesus with you. Oh how special each of those times have been with our children.


    mama of 13

  10. sure you can come over to play poppet, whats want me to eat yourpussy like last time, no problem poppet we can go to bed again you can suck my weiner again too
