Monday, May 11, 2009

Just Keep Spinning

...Just keep spinning...

...Just keep spinning...
...and spinning...
...and spinning...

This little girl was having tons of fun at a local park today. She entertains herself so well...even though she does have another half that keeps her entertained a good amount too :). They love to say, "just keep spinning" instead of "just keep swimming" from Finding Nemo. Crazy, funny, sweet little women...there is never a dull moment!


amanda said...

those are the cutest pictures!! i love them!!

Miss said...

dont ya miss being little?!?!

{The Christian's} said...

I haven't forgotten to call you back, I promise. Things have been so crazy here. I am trying to get ready for our neighborhood garage sale this week...great time to get rid of stuff before we move.

I will try and give you a call this week or first part of next. Hope you and the girls are good!!

Anonymous said...

Love the look on her face in the last shot! Priceless :) I love full of happiness, excitment and unexpectantness! :)

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

They do have such free much fun to watch...

Annika said...

Great pictures! I love the expression on the last one.

Membership Required said...

you are getting good with that camera. How cute too.

Jeni said...

Cute pictures! Hope you had a good day.

Kiza said...

I was saying the 'just keep spinning' to the tune of Nemo before I read the bottom of your post. Too cute. 2 sets of twins... wow. You must have awesome patience. Congrats.