Sunday, April 26, 2009

What Are Little Girls Made Of?

Sugar and spice,
And all that is nice;
That's what little girls are made of.

Oh I wanted to stencil that phrase on the wall when I found out I was pregnant with Ella, and all the girls for that matter. Little girls, ahh, all the pink and bows I could handle. Dresses, ribbons,dolls, and princess costumes...

I wouldn't even know Superman or Batman if they knocked on my front door. Well I get my point.

Did I find my girls at the church picnic playing Tea Party, or House? Nope, not even close.

Instead I saw that one was getting ready to spin webs and climb some buildings, and the other had grown some serious muscles. Sorry the pics are a little blurry...

Apparently Super Hero's are always on the move.

What Super Hero does this blue costume belong to anyway? A Power Ranger? I know all you mama's with boys are laughing at me...but I truly have no clue which hero wears this outfit.

Enlighten me, please.

*****Also, we have an awesome giveaway coming very won't want to miss it! Make sure to keep checking back!!*****


  1. Even though I only have boys, I have no clue what that one costume is. You should see it when my classroom has the dress-up center --even the boys like the dresses!

    I am definitely girly challenged. Whenever one of my little girl students asks me to fix a bow or a barrette, I'm hopeless! I can't stand to have to fuss with my own teenage son has longer hair than I do!

  2. I have two little girls too and I'm surrounded by princess dresses and pink clothes and toys. I wouldn't even know what to do with a boy.

  3. Um, I have 3 boys and I have NO clue what that blue costume is. Enlighten me when you become enlightened, k?

  4. Three boy here and no idea about the blue costume!

  5. that is too funny. I should brush up on that two as I have a boy after a girl and I need him to learn all that so he doesnt think that barbie and dora are his super hero's. Not that they are bad but he's gotta have some thomas the train and GI joe in the house. Maybe baby number six up in the moon will be your boy.

  6. as I am reading this, my 2.5 year old boy is playing with a barbie....

    ya gotta love it =)

    and where in your house do you have a room that has NOTHING but carpet in it?!?! =)

  7. I was straightening my daughters hair about two days ago...she is took me back to those endless days of brushing her hair and plaits and bows and I'm raising the five more ribbons and bows for me but it was a real joy while it lasted....
    make sure you plant those memories firm in your goes wayyyy too quickly
    Susan ;);)
