Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Loves Have Gone Green

...2 Little Tree Huggers...
...1 Mama who is in love with this Organic Clothing Line...

Where is this collection from, you ask?

You guessed it, it is the Organic Clothing Line from BabyGap. They have some great sale items right now, and you know, I love a good buy!

...100% Organic Cotton...
...100% Adorable...

*****Remember when I said there was a fabulous Giveaway coming? It still is, I promise. Very, very soon! You will not want to miss out!*****


  1. Blog so cut and pretty very much.

  2. so cute... I love the leggings. All your girls are beautiful.

  3. How adorable! I want those leggings!

  4. There is nothing like a pair of leggings on baby legs! Luv em!

  5. What cutie patooties you have!

  6. Oh I need me a baby to dress in those cute little things.

  7. such adorable outfits...isn't dressing babies a load of fun these easy

    Susan :):)

  8. Love these pictures! I am such a big fan of baby Gap myself!!

    Oh and the tea party picture from a couple of days ago... ADORABLE!! It looked professional!!

    Don't you just love having little girls?! Here's a question we get all the time... and it drives me crazy... but I'm gonna ask it anyway! Are you going to try again for a boy?

  9. Thanks! Those are baby legs, love them! Hahaha...try for a boy? Hmmm...this question might call for a whole new post :)!
