Saturday, April 18, 2009

Cloth Diapers Here We Come!

Alright, I've given this a lot of thought. Now that I have only 2 in diapers instead of 4, I believe that we are BumGenius bound. Isn't this diaper so stinkin' cute!? Not to mention that they are also more cost effective, better for the environment, and so much better for our little ones bottoms ;).

Does anyone use BumGenius and absolutely love them? What don't you like about them? Any other brand out there that you can't live without? Anyone use Kissaluvs? I want to hear your opinions!

Also, does anyone use Kushies Diaper Liners? (pictured below) I read some good reviews, but just want to hear more about them before I place an order. If you have never checked out the Kushies Baby website, head over there, they have adorable stuff.

I would love to hear what you have to say, and about your experiences!


  1. Ooh! We have been cloth diapering since my oldest was a baby. I have never used Bumgenius but I am in love with Happy Heinys and Thirsties. I used to love Fuzzibunz but then their quality went down the toilet. I have used Kissaluvs on each of my newborns and through until they fit into medium diapers, then we switch over to pockets or AIOs. Don't get me started, I could talk about cloth diapers all day!

  2. I'm too scared! Although the environmental aspect appeals to me - it just seems like a lot more work. They sure look cute though...I'm going to check back on the comments and see how convincing everyone is!

  3. Oh my, how times have changes. When my kids were little we didn't have options. All cloth diapers were plain white rectangles of cloth that we fastened with diaper pins. :)

    While we did have the option of disposable diapers, I chose cloth for my first 7 kids (and, twice, we had 3 in diapers at a time). By baby #8 we had a Wal-Mart with inexpensive disposables and a little more income. :)

    We chose cloth, and we loved it. I am so glad to see a resurgence in cloth diaper use ... better for the environment and better for the baby. And ... who ever said that motherhood wasn't going to take a little work.

    The options you ladies have now is wonderful. GREAT choice, to go cloth!!! GREAT choice to have a large family! GREAT choice to want what's BEST for your little ones, even if it is a little work.


    mama of 13

  4. I agree with Laurel...times have changed! I remember when my first son was born 14 years ago and my oldest sister went shopping with me to one of those super baby stores. She couldn't believe how much things had changed (her youngest was 12 at the time.) Now when I look at the new baby items, I'm the one who is amazed! We did disposable diapers but were thrilled with the then new Diaper Genie. My husband loved that thing so much that it was what he gave to any of his friends who were expecting their first child!

    I was at Target the other day and the woman in line in front of me was buying one of those Exersaucers. I had the original. There are a lot more gadgets on the ones today!

    I was almost back into babyhood this spring when I discovered I was pregnant last August. Sadly, I miscarried at 8 weeks (I'm 44). We would have had to start all over again because we don't have any more of that baby stuff!

    Good luck with you adventures in cloth diapering!

  5. We use bumgenius and LOVE them... the only thing i've been disappointed in is the velcro laundry tabs don't hold up. But it doesn't matter when they are on.

    The hardly ever leak either!

    Have fun!


  6. We use Bum Genius and a couple other types of pocket diapers. I wish I had the fund to complete our diaper stash with all Bum Genius. We have never had a leak with BUm Genius and use them overnight on our super soaker. I have never used the liners, I just dump the poop in the toilet and put the diaper in the wetbag to be washed in the next couple of days.

    The other two pocket brands we use are Cloth Diaper Wholesale and Coolababy Pockets. They are both One Size and work well but not as well as BG. We use the inserts provided with each diaper plus a microfiber cloth from Costco or Walmart. Check out for more info and even used diapers that you try out to see what brands you like best.

  7. I was happy using plain old prefolds for Lydia. I didn't use them exclusively. When we went out or life got hectic I would fall back on Wal-Mart disposables. I would have liked to have been a little more consistent, but maybe when #3 comes along I can tackle that ideal!

  8. I heart me some BG and Kissaluvs! I use fuzzi Bunz a lot! BG's are my numero uno choice for night time. I have cloth diapered by my babies from the start and LOVE it! If I could I run a business on cloth diapering!!!! is my favorite retailer! or is a close second.

    I didnt do it for the environment....Sorry Greenies....I did a whole cost chart to help support my cause to stay at home. Cloth diapers have saved us a ton.

    Happy Cloth diapering!!!!!

  9. thanks for commenting on my blog! i have three still in diapers and love cloth diapering. i actually use fuzzi bunz and love them. but i have a lot of the older style ones. i also have the opportunity to give some fuzzi bunz away soon! be sure to check back on my blog!! i do not think you need the throw away liners. for the fuzzi bunz the poo just peels right off of the fleece and goes in the toilet. before my son started eating solids and was only breastfed you don't even have to rinse those poopy diapers off. i actually have used happy heinys as well, but prefer the fuzzi bunz, because of the snaps instead of velcro. i have used the contour kissaluvs, i think they work better for bigger baby poo because they do not contain breastfed poo well. i do not know how the fitted diapers from kissaluvs work. i also use prefolds and wraps while at home. i love them too! bummis wraps have worked the best for my kiddos. i also like swaddlebees but had no fun with bumkins wraps. i do however like the bumkins all in ones. i have a few of those. i could go on and on!! we also use cloth wipes. that makes it so much easier. you just throw it in the wash with the diapers. if you have any questions i'd love to help answer them!! :0)

  10. I have heard lots of good things about Bum Geniuses. The velcro might need get replaced eventually but it is easy to do.

    If you want to try different cloth diapers you can enter to win some at the following blogs (Not my blogs, just blogs I read)

    3 FuzziBunz (2 contests)

    3 KnickerNappies

    4 Happy Heinies

  11. Hi I just found your blog and I cd our twin boys who will turn 1 in May. We use almost all bumgenius but recently have started using the new fb one size as well and I LOVE them! Your babies are so sweet. I secretly would like a second set of multiples. I know everyone thinks they are a ton of work and they are but I couldn't be more blessed!

  12. I'm a little late in the game here- but I use cloth with my trips, and although it is a lot of work, it still beats buying disposables, for me. I use BumGenius and have found them much better than any other kind, and I've tried Happy Heiny's Fuzzi Bunz, most of the major brands. They are the only kind that has never ever leaked on us, even overnight..

  13. Julie Cunningham recommend Mother Ease diapers to us before Nugget came. We decided to try them and LOVE them!!! Price-wise I think they fall between pre-folds and pocket diapers. Check them out at I hate having to use disposables (like when we're flying, etc) now--I LOVE my cloth diapers!
