Wednesday, April 8, 2009

2 Things

First, there is a party going on today in the name of chicken.

That's right, chicken.

Chick-Fil-A is having Customer Appreciation Day. You go buy what you want today, then you get it all free the next time you eat there!! Yep, free. You would've thought I won the lottery this morning when I went there to get my "on-the-run" eggs w/veggies and coffee. I was on the phone w/ my friend Bec, and we were laughing so hard at how excited I was over this deal, that I had tears in my eyes. (from laughing, not cause I was so emotionally moved by the sale...although there are some sales that do bring me to tears.)

And don't think I was the only one who was excited, I saw 2 friends there getting in on this deal while we were in line...I love my fellow savvy, money-saving, mama' know who you are ;).

It obviously doesn't take much to excite me these days.


Second, I got some emails asking if I had any advice on potty training multiples, and what worked best for the girls. I warn you, I don't have any brilliant or miraculous potty training tips. I did however, write an article about what worked for us over at Multiple Bliss that was just published today.

Go here to read it.


  1. Our Chick-Fil-A had the same promo last month. This month you can get a free breakfast entree on Wednesdays. It's funny how we all get so excited about these deals!

    Chick-Fil-A is wonderful. Our neighbor's 20 year old son's girlfriend was diagnosed with a brain tumor in December. Our C-F-A had fundraiser for her to help pay for medical bills. $6,000 was raised!

  2. That is so funny! We went there last year during this promotion but had no idea what was going on. I just couldn't get over how long the line in the drive thru was....once we got to the window we found out why! Such a great deal!!

  3. Don't lie. Your tears were tears of joy--just like that lady you saw being interviewed! Haha!! By the way, after we got off of our second Chick-Fil-A related phone call today, I was really expecting you to call back telling me that you had gone ahead and splurged on a platter. That truly did make me cry! :)

  4. Hi Kate, thanks for stopping by! Hope you'll come back...

    On another note, AW MAAAAANNN!! Wish I had known about that deal at Chick-Fil-A!!! We love that place! :-) I probably would have wept, too!

  5. Sweet mercy. I thought I was the only mama of 5, 4 and under out there! It's like finding the mother ship! Your babies are about the same age as my littlest one. (They're adorable, by the way.) So lovely to "meet" you! Hang in there, girl!
