Sunday, March 29, 2009


I think I bought the greatest gadget ever created this weekend. This little item you see above is the Bag Capsule from Simplehuman. I bought it at the Container Store...every time I go in that place I love it more than I did the time before. (go to for a 25% off coupon!) Follow the Simplehuman link for the will want one for your purse, car, diaper bag, etc. Best part, you can give in to the temptation to buy it because the price is great!

Now, excuse me while I go try to figure out when trash bag gadgets became this exciting for me.


  1. We so should have thought of this!!! Too cool. We are definitely showing signs of aging when trash gadgets get fun. :)

  2. That IS neat! Who would've thunk?! Would be great for when out with babies in cloth diapers. Unfortunately no container stores near me, ~sigh~
