Sunday, March 1, 2009

Home On The Range??

Have we found a new farm town to call home? We will have to wait and see.

As the old saying (kinda) goes...

"You can take the girl out of the city,
but can you take the city out of this girl?"


  1. I think you can. I grew up a town, now a city. We moved to the country (a village) 5 years ago. It only took a year to come to love it here so much that I could never see myself live in a town/city again. Good luck.

  2. Hey, was just stopping by to say hello and see how you are hanging in there - very busy momma! ;)

    I just returned from a missions trip to Honduras and finally catching up on my blogs! LOL!

    Oh, saw your post on home schooling also. I am in my first year (newbie alert!) and absolutely LOVE it. Funny too because I never thought I would be doing it. Would love to chat about it anytime. Its amazing!


  3. Wow! Looks like my kinda place. I grew up in the country. Although I have adjusted to "city" life I do miss the country life.

  4. That looks like a beautiful place! Looks like the girls would have plenty of room to run around. :) Where is it? Good luck and keep us posted!
