Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Most Random Post You Will Read All Day

Instead of staring the elliptical in the face today like I was last week, I was staring into the speaker at the Wendy's drive-thru and into the Tupperware bin that held the many Valentines Day cupcakes we made for Ella's preschool class. Why do I buy the bags of Valentines Day hearts? You either love them or you hate them...and I just so happen to fall into the madly, deeply, truly, forever committed, in love with them group. Why don't I just eat sugar right out of the bag? To top it off, when I took Ella to Target to get her little cards for her classmates, I saw the heart shaped guys.....I thought I was going to fall to my knees. Easter Peeps, Valentines Peeps, Christmas Peeps.....fantastic no matter what holiday. Note to self.....stay away from the holiday candy aisle, and never volunteer to bring the class snack again sign up to bring the napkins for the next party.


While feeding my sweet, new, smiley, compliant babies today, I noticed the older girls were real quiet. I went into the Bathroom and found our small, humble bathroom had been completely "toilet papered." I thought Eric had made the Varsity Team, and the Cheerleaders had been by to celebrate.


Early this morning in the drive-thru. Prepare to be confused.

Tim Hortons: Can I help you?

Me: Umm, yea, I want one of those new low calorie breakfast things you have out...the one with eggs in it.

Tim Hortons: Complete silence

Me: Uhhh...I saw it on TV, like a pita or something?

Tim Hortons: We don't know how many calories are in any of our breakfast items.

Me: Ok, that's crazy, it's on the commercial. And every fast food place has a nutritional even if you don't have the low cal pita, you would still have a packet to tell the nutritional value of your other menu items.

Tim Hortons: We have a sausage, egg & cheese biscuit.

Me: Hahaha, what? Ok, but nothing that is low cal?

Tim Hortons: Umm, ma'am...we have low-fat yogurt.

Me: Ok, but no pita right? I'm real focused on this pita thing you all are promoting. I know I saw it on a commercial.

Tim Hortons: We have yogurt.

Me: Can I just get an egg w/ cheese, but no biscuit?

Tim Hortons: Dannon yogurt.

Me: Great, I'll have a yogurt.


  1. Hope your yogurt was everything you were hoping for! Now go hunt down that pita! My downfall lately has been ice cream and Jelly Belly's. And a gooey pastry sounds good right about now!

  2. That was a funny post. I wish I had your humor when I walk into my bathroom and find messes. What is it with the bathroom and messes. I know people dont' think we wash our hands at my house b/c I have to keep the soap up high.
    Sorry about Tim Horton's. That's always frustrating. We are having a drive through kind of week too.

  3. That is hilarious! I want to go to Tim Horton's now and ask for a low-fat thingy to see what happens! ;-p

  4. giggle, giggle, giggle. That's all I can say.
