Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pampered By Carabella's

We were recently seriously pampered by Carabella's Baby & Children's Boutique. We came home to a big box full of amazingly cute goodies. Blankets, Bibs, Burp Cloths, and more! Jeni from Carabella's makes some of the cutest baby & kids stuff I have seen in a long time, we absolutely love this store! Here are a few pics of what we recieved. Head on over there and check it out!


  1. I got me some JEALOUS going on right now! Grin.b Seriously though those are some CUTE items.

  2. thanks for commenting on my blog. your girls are soooo cute. God's been good! I don't pretend to know how to manage 5 but isn't it awesome how God gives you what you need to take care of his blessings?'re shirt might be on backwards but i bet they are taken care of. :) it's funny you say Target is a get away for's mine too. :)
