Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Little Over 2 Weeks Ago, 37 Week Twin Baby Belly

This post is long over due! I know I would regret it if I didn't post a little something about our delivery. I was scheduled for a csection on Sunday, Nov. 16th at 10am. On Saturday I decided to get everything done. Cleaning out closets, washing clothes, taking things to Goodwill, etc. I headed out to Target at about 6pm to stock up on things for the following weeks. I hurried home because Eric's parents were coming over for pizza and to work out some details for the following week while we were in the hospital. When I got home we took this last belly pic, I felt gigantic. I told Eric, "something is different, my contractions are different, I feel strange." I tried to blame it on nerves and sat down for some pizza. During dinner my contractions got worse and I knew that this was it. I told everyone, and paged our Dr. at 9pm. He said head on in, we are going to have some babies tonight!!
I was so not expecting to leave for the hospital that night. I had planned on tucking my older girls in bed one more time before this huge change, and talk to them about the new babies we would have in the morning, but that wasn't God's plan for that night. We packed the girls up and sent them home with Eric's parents, I cried...and cried. For some reason it was so hard to let them go knowing that things were never going to be the same. We'll just blame it on the hormones :) :). I was having contractions every 3 minutes and was dilated to 3 by the time we got to labor & delivery. They took me into surgery a little before midnight, and at 12:15am & 12:16 we heard those sweet little first cries. God had added Kinley and Raya to our growing family.
36 Weeks 5 Days
Reese & Raya

Charlotte thought the babies were amazing!

And our Ella wanted to hold them all day, she is such a little helper.

Life is a little crazy here in our house, but we are adjusting a little more everyday. I can't believe it's been 2 1/2 weeks. The babies have brought so much joy to our family, we feel so lucky to have them. I have so many pics to come of all the girls, we are trying to capture as many moments as we can. I know this crazy time will fly by so quickly, and I want to remember as much as possible. Now if I could only get a chance to update my blog layout! Hope everyone is doing well!


  1. I hope and pray you are all adjusting as well as possible and that you're able to enjoy all of the delicious new-ness. They are so adorable!

  2. Isn't it funny how we mommies just "know." I have been wondering is it Raya or Raylin? I thought I have seen both but not sure. ML
