Monday, December 8, 2008

40 Weeks

Today is my original due date for Kinley & Raya.
40 Weeks
December 8th, 2008

I just wanted to post this so I would remember what my original due date was, and how lucky we were to make it as far as we did, only 3 weeks shy of December 8th. I can't believe that we have had these sweet babies for 3 weeks. Sometimes it feels like we have had them for months, and then sometimes it feels like we just got home from the hospital. It is hard to remember what life was like before they arrived, and honestly there is still a lot of adjusting going on in our big family. The older girls are doing amazing, they love Kinley & Raya and seemed to have settled into this new life with 2 new sisters.

Now for a little bit of the hard truth. I think the one who is adjusting the slowest is me! I feel like I can't get my act together. I usually run a pretty tight schedule around here and as of lately, I just can't seem to nail that schedule back down. There are lots of moments that I feel stressed and I am pretty much always exhausted. With taking care of 5 that are 4 & under, cleaning, cooking, breastfeeding/pumping, middle of the night feedings, diapers, more diapers...I guess this would make anyone tired. I tend to be real hard on myself and I know I need to give myself some grace through this season. It is a hard job to have 5 little ones. I had no idea, I thought I did, but you never really can grasp it until you're in the middle of it.

The Amazing up side to all this chaos??
I am loving the new-ness of the babies.
We have some serious cheeks going on.
I love watching the older girls love on them.
Being a "big family", it is an amazing thing.
Kinley & Raya are great babies.
We are approaching the holiday, and we have lot's of family to celebrate with.
All the girls are healthy.
Ella is such an amazing little girl. God has let me see what a sweet little heart that He has given her...she is such a help.
Reese & Charlotte are cracking us up. Talking, laughing, joking with each other. Coming and telling me "babies are crying mom...need pacifier..." Too cute.
Ella, Reese and Charlotte standing and looking through the cribs at the babies. A kodak moment for sure.
God is showing me what it truly means to NEED Him. Where would be without the hope of the Lord, without the peace that He gives us, without knowing that we are living out His plan for our family?
We have each other, and we're in this together.

So many ramblings, so little time...literally. You think those pregnancy hormones haven't worked their way out completely!?


  1. Praying for you girl! I'm not sure how you're doing it, considering how I feel now. ;-p Praying for sleep, endurance, and a quick exit of all the pregnancy hormones. :-D

  2. I cant say that I know how hard it is as I only have two. But just let the adjusting happen...I am sure it will. I am praying for some grace in your life but I am thinking that your home is already full of grace. Take care.

  3. Thanks ladies. We really are doing great, just gets a little crazy sometimes. Was I thinking that I would turn into some kind of super woman with lots of energy or something!? And you're right, God has seriously poured out His Grace on our family. Thanks for your encouragement!
