Thursday, November 6, 2008

This & That

It has been a pretty eventful week since last Tuesday. On Tuesday night I had a "Girls Night Out Baby Shower." It was fabulous. My family and friends way out did themselves. I am so very thankful to have women in my life that care as much as these ladies do. I haven't been doing to much lately due to the fact that I am so extremely tired, and the more I do, the worse the contractions get. We are so unbelievably close, and we are trying to hang on till 37 weeks.

I can't even put into words how excited I am to meet these new babies. All I can think about is what they will look like, how much they will weigh, what will 5 that are 4 and under be like, etc. etc. Oh how I worry about them. We have been working on their room, or should I say Eric has been working on their room, and trying to get all our last minute things done. Now I need to wash some of these sweet little clothes....and maybe I should go ahead and pack my hospital bag :) :). At my appointment this week my Dr. said I have gone through a growth spurt. I was 35 weeks and measuring 47/48 weeks!! That's how big I was when I delivered Reese & Charlotte. I will hopefully be posting a 36 week twin baby belly pic on prepared, I'm not exactly small.

Ella had a little field trip to a local Pumpkin Patch with her Preschool. Obviously daddy had to go on the hayride since I am a little pregnant....I don't even know how they would've gotten me on and off that wagon, but anyway. The girls also had a blast on Halloween, they loved trick or treating. Here are some pics from our busy week.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you updated! I have been thinking about you and wondering if your little girls have arrived yet! I keep meaning to call you and then I get side tracked.

    I am happy to hear you are doing good! I will try to call you in the next couple of days!!
