Wednesday, November 19, 2008

And Then There Were 5!

Just wanted to update everyone and let you all know that we had the girls...obviously! We are so thankful & proud to introduce :
Kinley Joy
6.0 pounds
12:15am 11/16/08
Raylin June
8 pounds 7 ounces
12:16am 11/16/08
We are so blessed to have little Kinley & Raya added to our family, they are amazing! I will post more pics and labor info a little later. Thanks for all your thoughts & prayers!


  1. Oh my goodness they are so cute!!! I love the names too. Kinley and Raylin wow so unique and yet so no so out there. I am so excited to hear more. I cant believe that one was two whole pounds bigger! Congrats again!!!

  2. Beautiful! Love the names too. I am in awe that you carried two babies, one of which was larger than the one son I just gave birth to. You go girl!

  3. We love the names! You are AMAZING Kate!!! An 8 and 6 lb baby! That's awesome! Congratulations! We can't wait to meet them!

  4. Congratulations!! They are gorgeous!! And WOW - you had a LOT of baby in your belly! :)

  5. they are so, so gorgeous!!! i love the names, too. can't wait to see them.

  6. Congrats! Praying your transition goes great! Rest up!

  7. Congratulations Kate to you and your family! The girls are just precious and what adorable names! I hope you are recovering well and I hope to meet the girls and see you soon!
