Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Twin Belly Pics, Almost 30 Weeks!! Fun At The Hair Salon...

I was getting my hair highlighted last night at a salon where my cousin/close friend Alex works. They were doing my hair after hours since Alex works there, that way I can help put the kiddos to bed first :). And I must say, I love getting my hair highlighted. Well they have these huge full length mirrors and we were having fun snapping some cell phone pics....I didn't have my regular camera. Alex was laughing cause I was joking that I should be taking pics of my swollen ankles instead, they're not exactly small right now.

I am showing some serious signs that Preeclampsia has started to set in. While I'm not shocked, I was a little bummed when I realized that I was going to probably face it again. But I know that there many other things that could be happening that would be a lot worse, so I am thankful that we are almost 30 weeks and the babes seem to be doing well. My contractions are stronger and more frequent, so I have been ordered to the couch, and if that doesn't help, I guess full bed rest will be next. I am hopeful that resting more and staying down will help. I still have to be up taking Ella to school and taking care of all 3 obviously, we are just going to have to take it one day at a time. Our Dr. is a little worried that we won't make it to 36 weeks, but I am still confident that I can make it to 37 weeks.

I still can't believe that we are only about 7 weeks away from 5 little girls. I feel so overwhelmed sometimes just thinking about it, but also very excited to add these new little ones to our family. What a change it will be, but what a blessing it is at the same time.


  1. How fun! Glad you were able to get your hair done. Your belly pics turned out cute. Hopefully you'll have 6-7 more weeks to take some more. Take it easy!

  2. You looks so cute! Way to squeeze in a hair appointment--I haven't been able to manage that! If you end up on bed rest, let us know if we can help!

  3. Yahoo. It was like you were a rock star and shut the place down for you! Way to have connections. You look great...I have never had twins but with just one (two times) I looked like I was carrying five...just plain huge. Grin. Would do it all again though if we could be so blessed. Pray about it daily.
