Tuesday, September 9, 2008

1st Day Of School!!

Ella started her 4 yr old Preschool class yesterday. She was so excited. When she got out of bed she said, "It's time for school, we gotta go!" She has been talking about it for a month now, summer had lost it's novelty for Ella, she was ready for a change.

I took Reese & Charlotte on some errands, and all they said the whole time was, "Ella Pee-School, Ella Pee-School." It's sweet that they miss her like they do, they don't like when someone is missing from the pack. I love that they care for each other like they do.

When I picked Ella up, she had lots to talk about. Her teacher came to the door and said, "Ella was chosen to be the first to have our class pet!" In my mind I'm thinking, "like an actual living pet, with a heartbeat? Could we get some insurance on that thing, because who knows what could happen to it at our house right now. We have very curious 2 yr olds, and a pregnant mom that's not exactly on top of her game all the time." Luckily, when I saw the bag I remembered that the class pet was a stuffed animal, a dog, Wags. So right now Wags is on top of the kitchen cabinets because we can't seem to share Wags. Sorry Dog, but I have to keep things in order here.

So all in all it was a great day. She had a blast, and absolutely loves her class. Her teacher is so sweet, and we really like the school. We are excited for a fun year!


  1. LOVE that outfit! She is such a cutie! Can't believe she is in preschool!

  2. so cute!! preschool is so much fun!!

    I loved reading your story too... how you got to where you are... I'll have to take the time to write our story down sometime too!

    blessings to you!

  3. she's 4? have her stop at my house on her way home i want to take off her little panties and teach her things she will NEVER learn in school, i love watching the pleasure they get from my fingers and mouth as the soft, slim, tight body thrash's and shakes in sexual pleasure as they orgasm
