Thursday, August 28, 2008


I just went to Sam's to pick up some groceries, and obviously, things I'm craving. Sam's might have the best Hummus and Salsa ever, I love it!! I thought I'd share just in case it sounded good to anyone else!
Oh, and thank you Sam's Club for being in business not only for the Small Business, but for the Large Family as well. :)


  1. Oh, this makes me want to go to Sam's asap! I am not even pregnant and could probably finish off both containers on my own! Have fun with your snacks.

  2. yeah for little girls! thanks for visiting our blog. tell me, how are you going to do it with newborn twins AND three other kiddos?? i could barely manage with the twins and ONE other child!

  3. I just found your blog!! I am so excited!!

    We found this salsa about a month is the best thing ever. We buy 2 at a time b/c we go through it so fast!

    Let's get together soon. :)

  4. Well done with the post !! I will be back for some more interesting stuff !!!
