Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here We Go

I'm going to give blogging a shot! I have always said that I won't have time, and I won't update, but it's time to give it a try :). So here we are, as of right now. In 3 months we are expecting our second set of twin girls, which will bring us to 5 savvy little women :)! I really want to blog to not only stay connected to people & keep others updated, but so I can save the moments in this crazy season we are in. It is so easy to forget to take pictures, or not write down funny things they say, and I have so many moments with my girls that I want to remember. So here we go! Enjoy!


  1. I'm SO proud of you! You have now entered a seriously encouraging world, but also very time-intensive! :) Love the sidebar pics of the girls. Enjoyed hanging out today.
    Love, Jenny

  2. so glad you are jumping in! maybe we can at least keep in touch this way :)
