Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Chaos And Cupcakes

Well, we did it. We gave the "Back To Preschool" cupcakes a try, and they didn't turn out to bad! The girls had a lot of fun, especially Ella, she loves this kind of stuff. The biggest lesson of the day?

Never trust a 2yr old (especially 2yr old twins) with a tube of icing. When the tube is squeezed to hard, the other end explodes. That's no lie.

But all in all it was good for the girls. They loved putting the icing on the "chalkboards." And they also loved eating all the ingredients along the way. I also may or may not of had 2 cupcakes during this whole process.

Definitely a little chaotic, but fun. Can't wait to bake for the holidays!


  1. Too cute! They did a great job! What a fun memory! I am definitely not ready for the fall! So much to do!

  2. Look at little suzy homemakers! hehe :)

  3. What a blessing though. You should share with us your story and if there was a journey in getting each of your girls. Or if you just have great genes. I am sure your readers would love to know. I know I am curious and what a fun journey it will be to follow your pregnancy.
